If you suspect that a young person/ adult at risk may be being abused, whether physically or emotionally, it is not your responsibility to take control of the situation or to decide whether the abuse is actually taking place. However, you do have a responsibility to inform the appropriate people about your concerns so that they may make enquires and take any action necessary for the well-being of the young person.
However small your concern, you should share it with the Club Welfare Officer who will take responsibility for referring it to the County Welfare Officer/NGB Lead Officer or other agencies.
Please ensure that confidentiality is maintained as far as possible. Only discuss your concerns on a need to know basis, and do not disclose the identity of those involved unless absolutely necessary.
Please use the ‘Incident Reporting’ form to report your concern. You can download the form from pdf the icon below.
Purley Bowls Club
The Ridge, Purley, Surrey CR8 3PF UK
Tel: (020) 8660 0608
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